July 10, 2011

My first blog and Gilpin's Falls Covered Bridge

So here's the deal: I've been saying for a while how much I've admired the few who decide to document their travels/cooking/life (and actually keep up with it), and how I wish I had the dedication to do the same. I've decided to give it a try. Now, I'm not a literature or English major, so I don't have much experience with captivating word-play... no, I went to school for Engineering. I like solving problems. But if you asked me where I am most happy, it's behind my camera, or in front of the stove. My boyfriend always yells at me when we go somewhere new to put down the camera. I can't. I HAVE to document what I've done and where I've been. It works well with my addiction to my scrapbook of Matt & I. I've done very well of keeping that up to date and organized. Let's see if this works.

This weekend, Matt picked me up on Friday and took me down to his shore house. It's basically a 30-40 minute drive from PA to MD using 272. I've grown very accustomed to driving that road because I go the same way to my shore house on the Chesapeake Bay. I've always wondered about the covered bride off to the left when you enter Maryland. They did some work on it a few years ago and after they were done, opened it to the public. After we crossed the state border, Matt whips around the car suddenly, almost last minute, and to my surprise we were in the parking lot out front.

So begins our exploring... The first thing I noticed as I walked up to the bridge was a ridiculous amounts of bird droppings scattered all around. Trying to dodge all those little land mines was fun. Matt brought along his camera and began snapping away, of course. 

I went inside and right away noticed the rickety boards. Made me a little uneasy, but as you looked down at the boards, you can see the pale greenish blue of the water underneath still glowing from the sun. It was really beautiful. I've always had a thing for covered bridges and tunnels. Even more when you can drive a car under and lay on the horn! The echo it makes is one of my favorite sounds!

Matt and I went back outside and made our way towards the water. As you walked up to the water's edge, you can see all the little frogs dart out from there mud coverings and into the deep water, leaving a trail of muddy water in their wake. Only a few stayed behind and peered their cute little lime green heads out of the water. After a few failed attempted at getting mid-action jumping shots of the frogs, we decided to pack it up and head home. 

One quick picture of the miniature dam behind the bridge, and we were out of there.

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